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14th International Conference on Advanced COMPuting and Applications - Home

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Due to Covid-19 Pandemic
Central Vietnam was hit by the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic in late summer of the year. Given the restriction of international travels put by many universities and companies worldwide and the uncertainty of government measures in November later this year, we now believe that it is safe to run the conference in a fully digitized mode. This is a hard decision-making we had to perform, though understandably it might sound disappointing to many authors and conference participants. Even harder is what the conferece team will try to do to make paper presentations and conference proceedings accessible to them.
  • Submission: July 14, 2020
  • Notification: Aug 20, 2020
  • Registration: Sept 15, 2020
  • Cam ready: Sept 25, 2020
  • Submission: Aug 01, 2020
  • Notification: Aug 30, 2020
  • Registration: Sept 25, 2020
  • Cam ready: Oct 08, 2020

ACOMP 2020 International Conference

The International Conference on Advanced COMPuting and Applications (ACOMP) is an annual international forum for academics, engineers, practitioners and research students to exchange their ideas, techniques, methods, and state-of-the-art applications for advanced computing. Initially formed as a scientific venue for high-performance computing & advanced applications, the conference kept expanding and had a pedigree of attracting international and Vietnamese participants who are all interested in advanced topics of computer science & engineering. The first occurrence of ACOMP was dated back to as early as 2007.

Our 13th occurrence of ACOMP - held in Nha Trang in 2019, was a successful event, featuring a total of seven keynotes and a substantial number of papers from Europe, Asia, Oceania and different geographical areas of Vietnam. In the year of 2020, as the new computing trends (e.g., machine learning, blockchain, IoT) continue to gather pace, the 14th edition of ACOMP offers a venue for discussing their impact on and momentum of the rather well-established areas of software engineering, computer engineering, high performance computing and image processing. In addition to research themes that accommodate high-quality regular technical papers, we host an industry panel facilitating viable discussions on the impact of cutting-edge technology on today's IoT-enabled, AI-powered smart society. ACOMP 2020 was co-located with the 7th International Conference on Future Data and Security Engineering, both of which would be held on the campus of Quy Nhon University in Central Vietnam.

Click here for a conference flyer of ACOMP'2020.

Conference Publication

ACOMP'2020 Proceedings will be published by the Conference Publishing Services. All the presented papers are to be submitted to the IEEE Xplore and IEEE CS Digital Library. Post-conference publication opportunities include a special issue with Springer Nature of Computer Science. ACOMP proceedings have been indexed by the DBLP and other major bibliography portals since 2015.