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15th International Conference on Advanced COMPuting and Applications - Call for Reports

Call for Reports

Call for Reports

The 15th ACOMP conference will be hosting an application track. We aim to build a collegial, industry-friendly environment. We invite talk proposals from practitioners who are interested in enabling computing technologies for today's IoT-enabled, AI-powered smart society. We welcome submissions that report tools, best practices, demonstrations, architecture design, etc. Each talk in this application track should preferably be followed by a live demo and of course some Q&A. Accepted reports will be included in the conference proceedings as short papers. Please refer to the following non-exhaustively populated topics for submitting your reports.

Submission guidelines can be found on this page.

Important Dates

Exemplary Topics

Application Track
  • Blockhain Technology and Data Mining for BPM
  • Blockhain-driven Software Architecture
  • IoT Wearables for Smart Healthcare
  • System Engineering
  • Software Architecture of IoT-enabled Smart Applications
  • Software Processes for AI-powered systems
  • Machine Learning for Traffic Control
  • Machine Learning and IoT for Smart Farming
  • High Performance/Scalable Storage Systems
  • Document Analysis and Processing
  • Health care information systems
  • Customer analytics
  • Fintech applications
  • Data collection and transformation
  • Smart (camera, robot, drone)
  • Image recognition for optical inspection
  • AI for Mobile
  • Machine Learning Automation
  • System Optimization
  • Social Listening

Click here for a conference flyer of ACOMP'2021.

Conference Publication

ACOMP'2021 Proceedings will be published by the Conference Publishing Services. All the presented papers are to be submitted to the IEEE Xplore and IEEE CS Digital Library. Post-conference publication opportunities include a special issue with Springer Nature of Computer Science. ACOMP proceedings have been indexed by Scimago, Scopus Preview, DBLP and other major bibliography portals since 2015.